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New My Home Life England animation talks about their vision and philosophy for bringing about a better future for social care

By Mr George Wigmore (Senior Communications Officer), Published

My Home Life England, which is based at City, University of London, has unveiled a new animation titled “A Better Future for Social Care”.

The video reflects on the organisation’s journey over the past 18 years and discusses the strides they have made to transform the social care landscape. It has been launched at a crucial time when the sector is grappling with a number of challenges, yet it remains hopeful for a robust and sustainable future.

During an intense election season, this timely release highlights the urgent need for comprehensive social care reforms.

A better future for social care | My Home Life England

A better future

The animation opens with a compelling question: "What does a better future for social care look like?" It paints a vision of a resilient, confident workforce of care professionals equipped with the necessary skills and tools to deliver high-quality care in an ever-evolving environment. Emphasising the importance of local care systems, the animation advocates for a robust, cohesive, and sustainable network where every partner works in trust to achieve the best outcomes for all involved.

Achieving this vision, according to My Home Life England, involves tackling challenges head-on. The animation underscores the need to reduce avoidable admissions, expedite discharges, and empower care leaders to remain resilient under pressure. By fostering a culture of high-quality, relationship-centred care, the goal is to create a stable and confident care sector where leaders are recognised as equal partners in local systems.

Long track record

My Home Life England’s track record over the past 18 years demonstrates that this better future is not just a possibility, but an emerging reality. The organisation has engaged with over 2,500 care leaders across the sector, continually making a tangible difference in the lives of those they support. Their mission is clear: to improve the quality of life for individuals wherever they are supported by empowering care leaders and creating sustainable care systems.

My Home Life England’s initiatives are grounded in robust evidence. The organisation offers high-quality professional support and development programmes for care leaders, and it also engages in community involvement and research to bolster the sector. Participants in these programmes gain enhanced management and leadership skills, confidence as professionals, and resilience. This has a ripple effect, improving team morale and retention, fostering a culture of engagement and trust, and ultimately elevating the quality of care for service users and their families.

Programme benefits

The animation highlights the tangible benefits of My Home Life England’s programmes: team members feel more listened to and supported, leading to greater self-sufficiency and accountability. This empowers them to independently solve problems, boosting morale and workforce retention. At a systems level, these improvements translate to better clinical outcomes in care settings, reduced avoidable admissions, and faster discharges. Moreover, care leaders equipped by My Home Life England are better prepared to handle complex situations and communicate effectively with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and other health and care professionals.

Reflecting on their 18-year journey, My Home Life England has proven its ability to alleviate NHS pressures while promoting a collaborative and sustainable health and social care system. Their bespoke programmes are tailored to address the specific needs and priorities of different areas, ensuring a responsive and localised approach to social care challenges.

The animation concludes with a call to action, inviting viewers to join hands with My Home Life England in empowering care leaders, improving care experiences, and creating sustainable care systems.

Tom Owen, Director of My Home Life England, said:

“We’re delighted with our new animation which demonstrates that a better future for social care is indeed both possible and within reach. My Home Life England is proud to be playing a leading role in bringing this about, and this is the story that our new animation tells. If you’re passionate about creating a better, more sustainable future for health and social care, I hope you’ll take three minutes to watch it.”

For more information, interested parties are encouraged to visit their website at


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