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If you do not see the course you are interested in, please contact the careers department at City for full details

The Graduate Outcomes Survey data gathered informs the national University League Tables and is reflected in other publications like the Key Information Set (KIS).

The results of this survey illustrate how courses at City provide strong employment prospects for your future. You are able to find out the destinations of Graduates from each of our Schools at City.

Purpose of the data

This data is intended to help current and prospective students understand the range of employment options that may be open to them if they follow a particular route of study.

An indication of the employers who hired graduates from each course is given along with their job titles and median salaries. Further education institutions and courses are also included for those students who remained in education after their course.

The target population for the survey from which the data is extracted included all students who completed a course between 1st August 2019 and 31st July 2020.

How the data is collected

We provide data for each individual course where at least 10 graduates were included in the Graduate Outcomes Survey 2019/20. Courses where graduate numbers were lower than 10 have not been included.

This approach is necessary to ensure that individuals could not be identified by their employment details, which would contravene the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The figures included in the reports are drawn from our own analysis of the survey results provided to us by HESA, who perform their own analysis of the data using slightly different definitions and categories. This may cause some small differences with the data reported in the Key Information Set.

How salary amounts are calculated

Median salaries presented are calculated from salaries of graduates in full time employment in the UK only and are determined from the available data provided by graduates.

In some cases, the median is based on a restricted population and therefore may not represent a robust statistical measure. In cases where too few graduates provided their earnings, no median salary has been included in the reports.