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New law students learn about opportunities to assist them in their professional journeys.

By Mr John Stevenson (Senior Communications Officer), Published


Over 400 First Year students on The City Law School’s LLB programme experienced their Employability Day and Induction at the Inner Temple – one of the four Inns of Court.

Organised by Jane Bradley-Smith (Associate Dean, Student Experience) and her team, the day ran in two cohorts and was aimed at providing students with the following: an opportunity to visit an historic legal venue; a platform for stimulating conversation and debate; an opportunity to enhance their career development potential through insight into opportunities available to them; the chance to learn about mooting and pro bono work with the City Community Legal Advice Centre (CityCLAC); and an opportunity to network and connect with staff and their peers.


The event provided an occasion for new students to meet some of their Lecturers and academics and to network with each other.


LLB1 student, Scarlet Mondir, was pleased with her experience at the event.

She noted that The City Law School is "very racially diverse with lots of opportunities to develop myself such as mooting and pro bono volunteering".

She was also "happy to learn about the Inns of Court, particularly the Inner Temple".


Jane Bradley-Smith said:

“I am so pleased the Student Experience team were able to give our new LLB1 students such a special experience on only Day Two of their degree. Our aim was to introduce them to the important aspects of employability - the key skills needed and the ways of developing these, as well as the key places to go for support at City. Hosting this in the beautiful surroundings of Inner Temple made it extra special. The day was hugely successful: over 400 of our new Year 1 LLB intake attended and engaged with the different sessions. This was an uplifting event that acted as a great launchpad for our students, engendering enthusiasm and interest.  A big thanks to all the students for being so enthusiastic and smiley on the day”

Dr Aldo Zammit Borda (who alongside Dr John Stanton, co-directs the LLB1 programme), said:

“This was a very successful Employability Day at the Inner Temple, which encouraged our new LLB1 students to begin setting their career goals. Students were able to exchange views, ask questions and learn about all the employability support that is available to them at City. In particular, students were impressed by the skills and knowledge that they will gain by pursuing a degree in Law at City.”

James Catchpole, Associate Dean, Professional and Postgraduate Programmes, said:

“It was great to see so many of our first year Law students attending this fabulous event specifically designed to support them as they commence their legal studies and careers. The team have worked tirelessly to organise this event and the students will benefit from being in receipt of such valuable information and insight so early in their course.”


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