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Initiative led by Islington Council will bring together nine founding members to drive change in the borough.


City, University of London has joined forces with Islington Council and local employers and organisations to support growth and equality in the local borough.

The Islington Anchor Institution Network members, of which there are nine, play major roles in the local economy, employing more than 22,000 people, and acting as purchasers, landlords, and strategic leaders. They will use their collective influence to help shape the borough’s future.

The nine members are:

  • City, University of London
  • Angel Business Improvement District
  • Arsenal Football Club
  • Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust
  • Capital City College Group
  • Islington Council
  • London Metropolitan University
  • Peabody Trust
  • Whittington Health NHS Trust

Representatives from City, University of London, including Kanan Barot, Assistant Vice-President (Civic Planning & Development) and City’s lead for the Anchor Institution Network; Dr Sionade Robinson, Vice-President (Enterprise, Engagement & Employability), Ellie Simes, Head of Sustainability, and Ralph La Fontaine, Head of Student Entrepreneurship, met at Islington Town Hall to formally launch the network and confirm their commitment to working together.

City, and the other eight founding members, signed up to progressive pledges, including generating more opportunities and wealth for local people and businesses, and working towards shared net zero carbon objectives.

Dr Sionade Robinson, Vice-President (Enterprise, Engagement & Employability), at City, University of London, said:

“City is a civic university, proud of its place in the Islington community and the role we play in local life. We are an anchor institution in the borough, keen to contribute to safeguarding our shared future through wealth-building, achieving net zero and focusing on fairness. We are looking forward to accelerating this work through the Islington Anchor Institutions Network.”

Councillor Santiago Bell-Bradford, Executive Member for Inclusive Economy and Jobs, said: “We’re committed to supporting local jobs and businesses, as part of our response to the cost-of-living emergency and our work towards a more equal Islington.

“As individual members, we all have the power to make change and improve our borough. But as a collective, we can do far more. We have more employers, more purchasing power and more ability to reduce inequality across Islington.”

“By committing to spend their money as locally and sustainably as possible, and by providing jobs for Islington residents, the organisations in the Anchor Institutions Network will keep the borough bustling with economic activity.”
